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Teaching Activities

  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
  • BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2024.
  • Science fiction film and literature bring science and technology out to the public. Images of science and technology in future societies mirror the problems and discussions of a time, create visions for the future, and inspire or discourage research and technological development. Taking works of science fiction as a starting point this course explores the expectations and cautions tied to scientific and technological change and relates them to the discourses about science, technology and society in the twentieth century.
  • https://www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/AK1205

  • Past Courses
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective (with Alicia Gutting)
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2023.
  • The Rise of Global Environmental Governance, 1940s to 2020s (with Sverker Sörlin)
    PhD Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2023.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective (with Alicia Gutting)
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2022.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective (with Alicia Gutting)
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2021.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2020.
  • Critical Geography and Cartography
    PhD Reading Course (10 ECTS) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Summer 2019 (with Nina Wormbs).
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2019.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2018.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2017.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2016.
  • Gender and Technology
    MA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2015.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2015.
  • Perspectives on Science, Technology and Landscape in Time and Space, Part 2 (Course Coordinator)
    PhD Course at Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2015.
  • Valuing Nature Beyond the Vital Balance Sheet (with Ioan Negrutiu and Natalie Jeremijenko)
    2-Day Seminar and Public Lecture at the "Anthropocene Campus", HKW Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, November 14-22, 2014.
  • Perspectives on Science, Technology and Landscape in Time and Space, Part 1 (Course Coordinator and Teacher)
    PhD Course at Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Fall Term 2014.
  • Visualizing the World – Making Sense of Our Environments
    PhD Spring School in Science, Technology and Environmental Studies, Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden, May 6-11, 2014.
    Jointly organized by the Graduate School Topology of Technology at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, and the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2014.
  • Science and Technology Studies
    PhD Course "Theory and Method in Historical Research, Part I" at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Fall Term 2013.
  • Technik und Raumtheorien
    PhD Course at Darmstadt University of Technology, Summer Term 2013,
    as part of the DFG Graduate School Topology of Technology (in German).
  • History of Science and Technology
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2013.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2013.
  • History of Science and Technology
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2012.
  • Science Goes Fiction: Science Fiction, Film and Technological Futures in a Historical Perspective
    BA Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Spring Term 2012.
  • Theory and Method in Historical Research of Science, Technology, and Environment
    PhD Course "Theory and Method in Historical Research, Part I" at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Fall Term 2011.
  • Swedish Society, Culture and Industry in a Historical Perspective (Course Assistant and Seminar Leader)
    Undergraduate Course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Fall Term 2011.
  • Economy and Ecology
    MA Seminar at ETH – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Chair for Science Studies, Spring Term 2011 (in German).
  • "Spaceship Earth" – Global Awareness prior to the Sustainability Debate
    MA Seminar at ETH – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Chair for Science Studies, Fall Term 2010 (in German).
  • History of Infrastructures: Technology and Environment in the Age of the System
    Undergraduate Seminar at Darmstadt University of Technology, Summer Term 2010, in the the graduate program Geschichte – Umwelt – Stadt (in German).
  • Theories of Topology
    PhD Seminar at Darmstadt University of Technology, Winter Term 2009/10, at the interdisciplinary DFG Graduate School Topology of Technology (in German).
  • Simple Truths? Gender Regimes in Science and Technology
    Undergraduate Seminar at Darmstadt University of Technology, Summer Term 2009, in the interdisciplinary field of study "Sustainable Design of Technology and Science" (in German).
  • "Spaceship Earth" – Global Awareness prior to the Sustainability Debate
    Undergraduate Seminar at Darmstadt University of Technology, Summer Term 2007, in the interdisciplinary field of study "Sustainable Design of Technology and Science" (in German).
  • Around the World in Two Centuries: Science and Globalization since 1800
    Undergraduate Course "History of Science", International University Bremen (IUB), Fall Term 2006.
  • Globalisierung und Wissenschaft: Naturwissenschaftliche Versuche der Weltordnung seit dem ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert
    Undergraduate Seminar at Darmstadt University of Technology, Summer Term 2006, in the interdisciplinary field of study "Sustainable Design of Technology and Science".
  • Technology in Action: Following Technical Objects through Society
    Undergraduate Course "History of Technology", International University Bremen (IUB), Spring Term 2006.
  • Population: A Concept and its Consequences
    Undergraduate Course "History of Science", International University Bremen (IUB), Fall Term 2005.
  • A Century of Nature: Science's Stories and Nature's Histories
    Undergraduate Course "History of Science", International University Bremen (IUB), Spring Term 2005.
  • Global Knowledge: Spatial Themes in the History of Modern Science
    Undergraduate Course "History of Science", International University Bremen (IUB), Spring Term 2004.
  • Fortpflanzung im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit
    MA Course (with Dipl. Biol. Bärbel Mauß), Cultural Studies/Gender Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Summer Term 2002.
  • Biomedizinische "Evidenzen" des Körpers
    MA Course (with Dipl. Biol. Bärbel Mauß), Cultural Studies/Gender Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Winter Term 2001.

Prof. Dr. Sabine Höhler | Physicist – Historian – Historian of Science, Technology, and Environment
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Teknikringen 74 D | SE-100 44 Stockholm | Fon: +46 8 790 87 41 | Email: sabine.hoehler@abe.kth.se