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Academic Network

Research Visits

International Teaching Activities

Event Organization

Network Organization

  • Member of the European Conservation Humanities Network

  • Funded by the German Research Council DFG (2024-)

  • The aim of the European Conservation Humanities Network is to maintain and foster research collaborations in the emergent field of Conservation Humanities. Currently there are a number of humanities researchers engaged in interdisciplinary work on conservation and biodiversity loss, many of whom have sought out opportunities to work closely with conservation practitioners in local protected areas through externally funded projects. The network aims to facilitate the sustainability of these working relationships beyond the short-term project funding by creating an overarching community and structures for dialogue and dissemination. Researchers across Germany and in other European countries profit from the opportunity to learn from each other, from individual projects and case studies, and from associated conservation practitioners from different European locations.

    The network also serves to develop and formalise the field of Conservation Humanities within academic institutions in Europe. The Corridor Talk project, a DFG-AHRC funded collaboration between the University of Leeds and the Rachel Carson Center in Munich, has established the interdisciplinary methods characteristic of the conservation humanities approach through work with conservation practitioners in European national parks in Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Spain, Denmark, and the Netherlands.

  • European Conservation Humanities Network online:

  • Member of the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) ENHANCE – Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe

  • University of Leeds, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Deutsches Museum Munich, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (2015-2019)

  • Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe (ENHANCE) is a Marie Curie European Innovative Training Network (ITN) providing multidisciplinary doctoral training in Environmental Humanities. The four main partners are the University of Leeds, UK, the Environmental Humanities Laboratory at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, and the Deutsches Museum, Munich.

    The main aims of the network are to provide its Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) – 12 in total across the four participating institutions – with the academic and complementary skills training needed to place them at the forefront of a new generation of Environmental Humanities research; to lay down the foundation for a structured, sustainable approach to doctoral training in Environmental Humanities at EU level; and to provide potential employment for ESRs in a wide range of careers including environmental consultancy, risk assessment, research and development, green business management, sustainable technologies media and communications, and not-for-profit work (environmental and wildlife NGOs).

    Research and training concentrates on three major areas – natural disasters and cultures of risk, history of science and technology, and environmental ethics – and addresses a series of core interlocking issues: wilderness and conservation; flooding and drought; climate change and risk; and waste, environmental health, and environmental justice.

  • Co-founder of the "Berlin Feminist Science Studies Workgroup" (BFSSW) at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin
  • The Berlin Feminist Science Studies Workgroup (BFSSW) was founded in January 2000 at the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science. The aim was to create a network of scientists from the Max Planck Institute and other Berlin-based institutions or projects working in the field of feminist science studies, but soon the network spread to other towns. Currently the group consists of historians of science, biologists, psychologists, environmental scientists, medical doctors, cultural scientists and philosophers and brings together researchers from different institutional contexts. Research activities have focused on the field of history of medicine, biomedicine, biology, demography, epidemiology, and on related reflections in (feminist) natural science research, (feminist) science studies, post-colonial studies and cultural studies. The broad interdisciplinary composition of the group is reflected in a wide range of methods, theories and practice experiences from humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and medical science.
  • Presentation of the BFSSW in H-Soz-u-Kult on October 23, 2006
  • Joint publication of BFSSW members:
    Special issue "Wissenschaftsgeschichte als Geschlechtergeschichte" ("History of Science as Gender History"), NTM. International Journal of History & Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology & Medicine 14 (2006) 4.
  • Online version of this special issue at Birkhäuser press


Commissions of Trust

  • Member of SNTV Svenska Nationalkommittén för Teknik- och Vetenskapshistoria (Swedish National Committee for the History of Technology and Science) (2017-2020, 2020-2023, 2023-2026)

  • Academic Advisory Board member, German Mining Museum Bochum – Leibniz Research Museum for Geo-Resources (2024-2028)

  • Advisory Board member, research project "Corridor Talk: Conservation Humanities and the Future of Europe's National Parks" (2020-2023)
  • German Research Council DFG and UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council AHRC), University of Leeds/Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society Munich

  • Advisory Board member, research project "Mapping the Oceans"/BMBF-Verbundvorhaben "Karten – Meere. Für eine Geschichte der Globalisierung vom Wasser aus" (2018-2021)
  • Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt

  • Advisory Editor, Editorial Board, book series "Environmental Humanities", J. B. Metzler / Springer Nature (since 2022).

  • Advisory Board member, book series "Geschichte der Technischen Kultur"/"History of Technological Culture", Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh (2017-2020)

  • Adviser/referee in the study program of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

Editorial Work

Review Activities

  • Academic Journals
  • Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History
    Architecture and Culture
    Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
    BJHS British Journal for the History of Science
    Capitalism Nature Socialism
    Contemporary European History
    Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory
    Environmental Humanities
    Environment and History
    GAIA Ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
    Historical Social Research
    History of Meteorology
    HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology
    HPLS History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
    HSNS Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
    International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity (HCM)
    Journal of Design History
    Journal of Global History (JGH)
    Journal of Historical Geography
    Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
    Nordic Journal of Architectural Research
    NPL Neue Politische Literatur
    NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
    Science as Culture
    Time & Society
    Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies
    Yearbook Sociology of the Sciences
    Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History

  • Academic Publishers
  • Berghahn Books
    University of Pittsburgh Press

Prof. Dr. Sabine Höhler | Physicist – Historian – Historian of Science, Technology, and Environment
KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Teknikringen 74 D | SE-100 44 Stockholm | Fon: +46 8 790 87 41 | Email: